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Jury Member
Nickname CJ
Hometown Pennsylvania, US
Occupation Student
Season SBB1
Place 4th
Votes Against 1
HoH Wins 2 (Weeks 1 & 6)
Times Nominated 2 (Weeks 5 & 8)
Days 30

Connor, known on Tengaged as Connor_, is a housemate on the first season of SBB (2016). He is a TV star level user, and as of the start of the season has 2,023 karma. He is a fifteen-year-old student from Pennsylvania.

Game history[edit | edit source]

Connor was a housemate on SBB1 (2016), and entered the house on launch night. He was the winner of the first Head of Household competition of the season, ensuring his safety for the first week.

Competition history[edit | edit source]

Week 1 HoH Win
PoV Loss
Week 2 HoH Ineligible
PoV Loss
Week 3 HoH Loss
PoV Loss
Week 4 HoH Loss
PoV Loss
Week 5 HoH Loss
PoV Loss
Week 6 HoH Win
PoV Loss
Week 7 HoH Ineligible
PoV Loss

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Connor is the first, and only, TV star level user to play in SBB. In turn, he also has the highest karma of any housemate to date.

External links[edit | edit source]